
  • А. М. Касимов State Enterprise «Ukrainian Research & Technological Center of Metallurgical Industry «Energostal», Ukraine
  • И. В. Удалов V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine



waste of solid propellant thermal power plants, slag, migration of elements in soils, heavy and rare metals, solid fuel, coal


The article describes the characteristics of heavy and rare metals migration in the soil in the zone of the slag waste of coal-fired thermal power plants in Ukraine. Different types of fuel in Ukraine were analysed by the method of statistical information. The principles of slag waste treatment in the European Union have been studied. Approaches to ash waste in the United States, Ukraine and Russia have been compared. It has been determined that to use slag waste as a source of valuable components, we need to know their chemical and mineralogical composition phase. It has been revealed that they are determined by the mineral composition of the fuel source and method of burning it. Basic properties of solid slag wastes from thermal power plants, the ways of heavy compounds and rare metals migration in soils in the areas, where slag waste forms, have been analyzed as a result of original research. Different types of the absorptive capacity of the soil have been identified and the main migration routes of compounds and heavy metals from the waste heap of rare slag waste into the soil have been described. Information on the chemical and mineralogical composition of slag waste should be taken into account with the view of considering them as enriched raw materials for various industries. As a result of using blast furnace slag, fuel ash waste and coal waste are considered as man-made materials that can be used as additives and fillers in the production of a wide range of building materials: cement, concrete, mortar, brick, ceramics and so on. They have proved themselves during installation in the subgrade of roads and other industries.

Author Biographies

А. М. Касимов, State Enterprise «Ukrainian Research & Technological Center of Metallurgical Industry «Energostal»

Doctor of Sciences (Technical Sciences), Full Professor

И. В. Удалов, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor


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