
  • Н. С. Цапко Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine



industry, waste, Portland cement, kiln, technology, properties, intensifier, energy saving


Use of waste from processing of gas condensate in production of cement is one of the directions to increase the production efficiency, to decrease the amount of material - and power consumption. Besides, it is recycling of the gas industry, reduction in costs of dumps and stores of waste construction, preservation of land grounds, decrease in air basin pollution. All this will allow to solve a very important environmental problem of industrial regions of Ukraine.

As a working hypothesis we can assume that when heating waste of gas processing, interaction reactions begin between mineral and organic components of waste, products of the reaction intensify the effect from this reaction of calcium carbonate decomposition creating conditions for the course of reactions of two-calcic silicate formation at lower temperatures, than in usual technology.

On the basis of the conducted pilot studies the following conclusions are drawn: waste of gas processing are raw materials which mineral component is presented generally byNaCl, Fe2O3, ЅіO2, CaMg(ЅіO3)2 and CaSO4, and the organic part of waste is presented by solid components of oil products that burn at temperatures up to 600 ºС.

It is established that waste of gas processing can be used as one of components of raw mix of Portland cement.

It has been established by the conducted research that addition of 5% of solid slime of gas condensate processing to the Portland cement improves its best physicomechanical properties. Besides, the temperature of roasting clinker of such cement is 1200 ºС, unlike Portland cement clinker without additive (1400 ºС.).

Author Biography

Н. С. Цапко, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD (Technical), Associate Professor


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