Specification of geological models of exploitative objects during development (on example of Belsk field)


  • Ю. М. Дмитровський Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • С. Е. Латишев Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine




faults, the development of deposits, drained reserves of hydrocarbon, pore volume, reservoir pressure, tectonic blocks


During geological exploration, from the opening and to further development of typical hydrocarbon deposits significant discrepancy between existing geological model and available data development is observed.

A similar situation occurred in 2014-2015 during development of Visean horizons of Bel’sk field - the results of gas condensate deposits development of horizons B-14-16 noticeably diverge between projected and actual figures, this indicates that the existing structural and tectonic model of the deposit does not meet the results of development and complicates the process of extracting hydrocarbons.

Based on the analysis of the data on operational facilities of horizons B-14, B-15b, B-16 a structural and tectonic model of Uppervisean deposits, Bel’sk field was corrected. In the western part of the field, based on the analysis of reserves drained by wells and comparing them with pore volumes, it has been proved that fault in the tectonic blocks 1b and 1c is absent.

Location of faults that split western part of Bel’sk field on the blocks 1b and 1c as well as the tectonic blocks 1a and 1c was established. Results of faults tracing fully meet the results of gas-bearing horizon B-14 development by wells 160, 162, 165, 166. In addition, the article presents evidence that indicates the absence of tectonic disturbances, which divides the eastern part of the structures on the blocks 2a and 2b. The results emphasize the need for continuous monitoring of current data development of operational facilities with the aim to adjust the structural-tectonic models and increase their credibility. 

Author Biographies

Ю. М. Дмитровський, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Senior Researcher

С. Е. Латишев, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases



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