Features of the geological structure and distribution of hydrocarbon traps in salt strike-slip structures (ssss) of the Dnieper-Donets graben


  • О. Л. Василенко Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine




deposit, horizon, consediment washing away, trust, strike-slip, salt- strike-slip structure (SSSS)


There were studied structural features of the local shifts of second order in salt strike-slip structures (SSSS), the conditions of formation and regularities of the spatial distribution of hydrocarbon traps in these structures. Depending on the shift direction, the location of the secondary shifts and the position of stoke salt relative to the main axis of the shift, there are modifications of geodynamic regimes, contributing to the formation of different morphogenetic types of SSSS and their associated hydrocarbon traps.


1. The results of analysis of drilling and 3D seismic on Kotlyarovsky, Eastern Medvedovskaya and Melihovskaya squares (Mashevsky-Efremov depression) for the first time proved the existence of horizontal strike-slip.

2. A new type of local tectonic structures related to salt diapirism process – salt strike-slip structures.

3. Developed a method to identify salt strike-slip structures and selected structural drawings characteristic shifts according to the materials of 3D seismic.

4. It is determined that the specific features salt strike-slip structures are divided into 5 types: Kotlyarovskaya (structure "tree"), Eastern Medvedovskaya (structure "flower"), Melikhovskaya (the structure of the "duplex compression"), Vesnyanskaya (structure "palm tree") and Kochubeevskaya (structure "horse tail") types of SSSS.

In the process of forming the structure of the horizontal strike-slip occurs a full cycle of development of SSSS: from primary (Vesnyanskiy type) and intermediate (East-Medvedevskiy, Melikhovskiy types) to the end (Сhutivskiy type) stage.

Author Biography

О. Л. Василенко, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

PhD (Geology), Head of Sector


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