Determination method of the open porosity and pores compression ratio under bedded conditions


  • С. Ф. Поверенный Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • В. М. Абеленцев Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • А. И. Лурье V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • Е. В. Поддубная Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine



core studies, reservoir properties, methods of determination, compressibility, porosity, reservoir thermobaric conditions


Existing regulations (guidelines, instructions SRC) provide for obligatory identification of the main capacitive-filtration properties under bedded conditions, but so far we have not any specific methods for determining these properties and clearly articulated requirements necessary for this equipment. The aim of this work is to develop methodology and a set of minimum necessary equipment, that allows to determine open porosity and the static compression ratio at the temperature and pressure of formation conditions on the basis of any geological profile production laboratory.The principle is that the pre-saturated with liquid sample is exposed to the full crimping in the core holder, as result of the compressibility of the sample part of fluid is squeezed out of it and goes into the measuring tube. Knowing the initial volume of liquid in the pores of the sample and the volume of the liquid squeezed out of it, you can calculate the change of porosity in the sample located at formation conditions temperature and pressure. After completing a few cycles "charge-discharge" and deleting inelastic deformation, you can determine the static compression of pore. The developed method could be used to determine these parameters at any stage of geological exploration, in the preparation of development projects, in the interpretation of well logs, verifications of parameters for reserves calculation. Information about changes in the pore space under the influence of in-situ temperature and pressure conditions will increase the quantity and accuracy of the results obtained during complex laboratory research and all complex of oil and gas works. 

Author Biographies

С. Ф. Поверенный, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Senior Researcher

В. М. Абеленцев, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

PhD (Geology), Head of Department

А. И. Лурье, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy), Full Professor

Е. В. Поддубная, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases



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