Peripheral areas of capital region, their functional certainty under social transformation (on the example of Kyiv region)


  • L. М. Volovyk G. Skovoroda Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University, Ukraine



peripheral areas of the capital, specialization, economic activity, industry, agriculture, migration, employment sphere


Research of the periphery at the regional level, in a natural and ecological and socio-economic environment is important. Interaction between the center and the periphery is a major regional development. The socio-economic growth of the capital and peripherals depends on its solution.

The features of social and economic development of peripheral districts in relation to the capital city of Kyiv under the conditions of market transformations and influence of globalization have been considered in the article. The causes of their functions changes and their role in the territorial structure of economy and in the system of population settlement in the region are highlighted. The main formation and development factors of peripheral districts of Kyiv area are revealed. The demographic situation, migratory activity of population and community network is assessed. On the basis of the specified methodology the social and geographical research of peripheral districts has been estimated and the economic level and demographic situation of peripheral districts of Kyiv region, territorial differences there have been detected. Basic social problems of these districts are outlined. Directions of increasing level of social and economic development of the peripheral districts of Kyiv region, considering the influence of the capital, are worked out.

Author Biography

L. М. Volovyk, G. Skovoroda Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor


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