Analysis and evaluation of ecological and economic condition of Rivne region lands


  • Н. А. Тарасюк Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine
  • С. А. Реміз Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine



anthropogenic pressures, ecological and economic balance, forest cover, plowing, the ecological and economic tension coefficient of the area condition, the ratio of natural protection


Since the use of the environment by mankind inevitably leads to anthropogenic transformation of landscapes, the main purpose of the study is to analyze the structure of the land and determine the environmental and economic balance of the Rivne region territory.

Research has been carried out by means of the statistical data, mathematical, comparative- geographical and maps modelling methods, general statistical information of the Central Derzhheokadastr Office as for the suitability of lands and their distribution according to the areas of economic significance, the types of economic activity and materials of nature-reserve fund.

The analysis of the land areas structure based on the degrees of anthropogenic pressure and the dynamics of their changes in time has been carried out. Ecological and economic status of the territory and the degree of natural landscapes balance of individual administrative districts of Rivne region has been estimated. The results of the evaluation have shown that the most optimal environmental and economic balance is in the administrative districts of Polissya part of the region characterized by low environmental-economic pressure and high rates of ecologically protected areas. Much worse situation is in its southern areas with extreme human pressure, which is not counterbalanced by environmental potential and the bad condition of natural protection area.

Author Biographies

Н. А. Тарасюк, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor

С. А. Реміз, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

PhD student


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1. Hrodzyns'kyy, M. D. (1993). Osnovy landshaftnoyi ekolohiyi [Basics of Landscape Ecology].Kiev: Lybed, 222.

2. Denysyk, H. I, Timets', O. V, 2010). Rehional'ne antropohenne landshaftoznavstvo. Navchal'nyy posibnyk. [Regional anthropogenic landscape. Tutorial].Vinnitsa-Uman, 170.

3. Dokuchaev,V. V. (1954). Trudyjekspedicii, snarjazhennojlesnymdepartamentom, podrukovodstvomprof. Dokuchaeva [Proceedingsofthe expedition, equipped forest department, under the guidance of prof. Dokuchaeva]. Moscow: Sel'khozgiz, 513-542.

4. ZakonUkrayiny «ProOsnovnizasady (stratehiyu) derzhavnoyiekolohichnoyipolitykyUkrayinynaperioddo 2020 roku» № 2818-VIvid 21.12.2010[The Law of Ukraine "On basic principles (strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Ukraine till 2020"2818-VI of 21.12.2010].Аvailable at:

5. Kadyrkulov, A. R. (2003). Kriterii ocenki prirodno-antropogennyh landshaftov (na primere At-Bashy-Kara-Kojunskoj doliny) [Criteria for evaluating natural and man-made landscapes (for example, At-Bashy Kara-Koyunskoy Valley)]. Geography and tourism,27. Аvailable at:

6. Koval'chuk, I. P., Kopayhora, B. M. (2012). Aktual'ni pytannya doslidzhennya ekolohichnykh ryzykiv zemlekorystuvannya [Recent studies question the environmental risks of land]. Land Management and Cadastre Scientific and Production magazine, 3, 36-41

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9. Pysarenko, V. V. (2009). Otsinka ekolohichnoho stanu sil's'kohospodars'kykh uhid' Poltavs'koyi oblasti [The environmental condition of agricultural land Poltava region]. Journal of Poltava State Agrarian Academy, 2, 23-25.

10.Popova, O. L. Ekodiahnostyka pryrodno-hospodars'koyi orhanizatsiyi terytoriyi Ukrayiny: ahrolandshaftnyy aspekt [Ecodiagnostics natural and economic organization in Ukraine: agricultural landscape aspect]. Аvailable at:

11.Preobrazhenskiy, V. S, Aleksandrova, T. D., Kuprіyanova, T. P. (1988). Osnovy landshaftnogo analiza [Fundamentals of landscape analysis].Moscow: Nauka, 192.

12.Pro zatverdzhennya Kontseptsiyi zbalansovanoho rozvytku ahroekosystem v Ukrayini na period do 2025 roku. Nakaz Ministerstva ahrarnoyi polityky Ukrayiny № 280 vid 20.08.2003 [On approval of the Concept of sustainable agro-ecosystems in Ukraine in 2025. Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine number 280 of 20.08.2003]. Аvailable at:

13.Rakoyid, O. O. (2008). Metodychni rekomendatsiyi z kompleksnoyi ahroekolohichnoyi otsinky zemel' sil's'kohospodars'koho pryznachennya [Guidelines for comprehensive evaluation of agroecological farming land].Kyiv: Logos, 51.

14.Remiz, S., Tarasyuk N., (2013). Heoekolohichni aspekty staloho rozvytku Rivnens'koyi oblasti [Geoenvironmental aspects of sustainable development in Rivne region].Scientific notes Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Hnatyuk. Series: Geography, 1 (34),197-203.

15.Sorokina, L. Ju. (2013). Ocenka antropogennoj transformirovannosti landshaftov transgranichnogo polesskogo regiona [Assessment of anthropogenic transformability transboundary landscapes of Polissya region]. Ukrainian Geographical Journal, 3, 25-33.

16.Stoyko, S. M., Koynova I. B., (2012). Suchasni vydy antropohennoho vplyvu na zhyttyeve seredovyshche [Modern types of human impact on the living environment].Ukrainian Geographical Journal, 1, 50-57.

17.Tarasyuk, N. A., Remiz, S. A., (2015). Ocenka prirodno-zapovednogo fonda zapadnogo regiona Ukrainy (na primere Rovnenskoj oblasti) [Comments natural zapovednoho fund the region in the Western Ukraine (in Example Rovnenskoy region)]. Science Magazine "Questions of geography and heoekolohyy", 1., 35-42.

18.Tretyak, A. M. (2006). Zemlevporyadne proektuvannya: Teoretychni osnovy i terytorial'nyy zemleustriy: Navchal'nyy posibnyk [Land Management Design: Theoretical basis of territorial and land management: Textbook].Kyiv, Higher Education, 528.

19.Tsaryk, L. P. Heoekolohichni pidkhody do otsinky stupenya zbalansovanosti pryrodokorystuvannya. Available at:

20.Shishchenko, P. G. (1988). Prikladnaja fizicheskaja geografija [AppliedPhysicalGeography]. Kyiv,Parentpublisherpublishingassociation "VishchaSchool", 192.




