Space transformations of urban peripheral and industrial areas in Ukraine (on the example of cities of Zaporizhia and Zhovti Vody)




spatial transformations, modernization, post-socialist city, industrial city, monofunctional city, socio-spatial processes, Zaporizhia, Zhovti Vody


The aim of the study: Given the key role of cities in spatial development, problems of their evolution and transformation turned into extremely important subject of geographical research. Spatial and functional transformations in post-socialist cities of East Central Europe, including the former Soviet Union, constitute a separate layer for scientific conceptualization. Despite the wide range of publications dealing with transformations of post-socialist cities, insufficient attention is paid to spatial transformation in cities that have developed in industrial regions and grow by virtue of industrial production. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to determine the main trends and peculiarities of the spatial transformations in peripheral industrial urban areas in Ukraine.

Research methods: Two cities, Zaporizhia and Zhovti Vody, both located in Dnieper industrial region, were selected to be case-studies. The test areas were selected in the central parts of the studied cities due to the primary interest in the nature of urban space adaptation to the new social values and demands. Residential buildings, non-residential constructions and infrastructure within the test areas were evaluated in terms of their functional profile and condition (level of renewation or modernization).

Results: The following key foci of the spatial transformations were identified: public transport stops and lines, major trade and entertainment facilities, current and former industrial areas, open public spaces, sacral objects and spaces. These foci can be characterized as the agents of spatial transformations, since they trigger further changes in the surrounding urban areas. The data collected made it possible to identify the following integrated socio-spatial processes: socio-spatial polarization, commercialization of public spaces, de-industrialization, revitalization, segregation and gentrification. Most of them were observed in both cities, but have different intensity and manifestations, except for gentrification apparent only in Zaporizhia. The differences between the transformation processes in Zaporizhia and Zhovti Vody are both quantitative and qualitative and generated due to differences in urban population, administrative status, and position in the spatial framework. However, in general, spatial transformations in both cities have the same course and are caused by the similar factors.

Scientific novelty: The paper for the first time represents comparative analysis of trends and peculiarities of the spatial transformations in peripheral-industrial urban areas in Ukraine using original methods.

Practical significance: The obtained results, specifically knowledge on the main spatial transformation agents and their interaction, may be used in urban planning process for more effective solutions in terms of urban areas modernization. 

Author Biography

Олексій Михайлович Гнатюк, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD (Geography), Junior Researcher


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