Decomposition and modelling of the annual cycle of meteorological variables in the Ukrainian Carpathians




annual cycle, harmonics, amplitude, phase, models, Ukrainian Carpathians, orographic effects


Formulation of the problem. In this paper we consider some structural peculiarities of the seasonal cycle of a number of meteorological variables (air temperature, sum of precipitations, saturation deficit, relative humidity, water vapour pressure, station level and sea level pressure, wind speed) in the Ukrainian Carpathians, with the annual cycle being interpreted as a superposition of six harmonics with the period ranging from 2 months to 1 year.

Data and methods. This research is based on the average monthly values of seven meteorological variables in the Ukrainian Carpathians within a standard climatological period of 1961-1990. Implicit frequencies in seasonal fluctuations were revealed and evaluated with the help of harmonic analysis method.

Presentation of the main research material. A particular emphasis has been laid on the parameters of the first (annual) and second (semiannual) harmonics. It was found out that, on average, the annual harmonic explains some 87% of the total variance of the variables, while the semiannual harmonic accounts for more than 7%. It is shown that when considering seasonal fluctuations of air temperature, saturation deficit and water vapour pressure annual harmonic will suffice. Analyzing fluctuations of other meteorological variables requires a semiannual harmonic to be taken into account. Higher order harmonics (from third to fifth) are to be taken into consideration when analyzing relative humidity, sum of precipitations, station level pressure, and wind speed. The last harmonic (with a period of 2 months) does not play any significant role at all.

It was found out that the seasonal cycle structure of these meteorological variables at mountain weather stations and at foothill ones differ noticeably. For some meteorological variables, namely saturation deficit, air temperature, water vapour pressure and atmospheric pressure, orographic effects that manifest in either delayed or early phase of the annual cycle with relation to altitude, have proved to be statistically significant. Phases of this harmonic are typical of meteorological variables that are directly interdependent, while variables that are inversely interdependent normally fluctuate in antiphase.

Author Biography

Vasyl Ivanovych Zatula, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor


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