Development of waste disposal effective technologies by power generating and chemical industries


  • А. М. Касимов State Enterprise, Ukrainian Research and Technological Center of Metallurgical Industry «Energostal», Ukraine
  • И. В. Удалов V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • И. В. Сталинская O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine



industrial energy, chemical industry, large-capacity waste, recycling of valuable components, environmental protection, toxic waste, rare and heavy metals, phosphogypsum, technical vanadium oxide, a hardware-technological scheme


The article describes the conditions and characteristics of accumulation of large-capacity waste from fuel and energy complex and chemical industry in the Ukraine. Technological preconditions of large amount of large-capacity waste accumulation in the industrialized regions of Ukraine are described and a consistent trend of growth is revealed. It is indicated that industrial wastes often contain heavy, rare and rare earth metals in amounts that give the opportunity to appreciate them as technological fields. The experience of using large-capacity waste from fuel and energy complex and chemical industry in the EU and the USA is analysed.The trends to accumulate toxic industrial wastes at enterprises of Ukraine for the past 15 years have been considered. It has been established that the utilization of ash and slag valuable components requires knowledge of chemical and phase-mineralogical composition of the waste, which is determined by the composition of the mineral part of the initial fuel and way of burning. The waste is in ash and slag producing enterprises of the fuel and energy complex which are kind of the hub of the items contained in the fuel. The composition of the ash waste was studied taking into account characteristics of the coals in Donbass. It is established that the use of the Ukrainian coal leads to additional environmental problems related to high content of sulfur and ash in coal. One of the solutions to the problems is the technology of extracting vanadium from ash waste. EU countries have experience of using phosphogypsum. The use of phosphogypsum as an additive in mortar has proved efficient, especially in the manufacture of decorative plates and large size sheet materials for decoration. Investigations of the waste composition have been carried out on the territory of the plant "Crimean Titan". It is revealed that the production of gypsum binders and phosphogypsum products on their basis is economically feasible, which in this case is not treated as waste but rather as secondary raw materials. Standard characteristics of phosphogypsum used as raw material have been identified. The flowcharts of phosphogypsum use with economically viable payback period 2-2.5 have been built.

Author Biographies

А. М. Касимов, State Enterprise, Ukrainian Research and Technological Center of Metallurgical Industry «Energostal»

Doctor of Sciences (Technics),  Full Professor

И. В. Удалов, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Technics), Associate Professor

И. В. Сталинская, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD (Technics)


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