Environmental safety of associated water reservoir and iodine production


  • Н. М. Німець Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • А. П. Мельник Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • М. О. Подустов National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute”, Ukraine




deposit, water, iodide ion, iodine, ozone treatment, time, ratio


The iodine production process from associated water reservoir at the gas condensate field in Ukraine with different salinity from 10 to 200 g/dm3are studied. The mixture ratio between iodide and bromide ions in solutions is 1:16. Ozonation is implemented in tubular-type reactor with intensive dispersant. Ozone is produced on the plant GL 3189. The plant productivity is 6.63·10-2 m3/hr of air. Ozone level is 6.28·10-2 g-mol/m3. Dependence of conversion degree changes of iodide ions into iodine from molar ion ratio is calculated. It is proved that during ozonation 20% of the formed iodine is removed from the reaction zone by air. It is confirmed that during iodine extraction from gas condensate fields water by ozonation method, the rate of iron conversion (II) to iron (III) increases which reduces the time of arrangement to return the produced water in the bowels of deep horizons. The developed mathematical model and pattern allows to calculate the degree of iodine formation when changing the molar ion ratio of reagents in various concentrations of iodide ions. The obtained results can be used to create safe technology of iodine production from the associated water reservoir. The produced water arrangement method of returning it in the bowels significantly reduces the water retention time to ensure the ecological safety.

Author Biographies

Н. М. Німець, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Head of Department

А. П. Мельник, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Doctor of Sciences (Technics)

М. О. Подустов, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute”

Doctor of Sciences (Technics), Full Professor


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