Underground water as factor of sustainable regional development


  • Л. М. Нємець V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine




natural-resource potential of territory, social needs, sustainable development


Sustainable development assumes, first of all, the steady growth of life quality of the population that means consecutive satisfaction of compelling social (human) needs. From this it follows that the importance of a natural resource for sustainable development of the region is determined by its public functions, that is, those requirements which it satisfies. Proceeding from it, as a subject of the analysis we chose underground water resources which have a wide range of satisfaction of social requirements. Underground water resources are necessary as an instrument to ensure human activity and as industrial and technological materials.

The aim of the research is to analyse the role of underground water as a component of natural resource potential of the territory in transition to a regional sustainable development model.

Underground waters are one of the most important natural resources of the territories which can become the determining factor in the regional sustainable development. It is promoted by the fact that, as is shown above, underground waters are used to satisfy a wide range of social requirements, such as individual biological requirements, improvements and preserving health of each person, social recreational requirements, need for water for engineering procedures and technical purposes, soils melioration and agro-industrial production, as mineral resource.

Author Biography

Л. М. Нємець, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Geography), Full Professor


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