Influence of technogenic factors on ecological and hydrogeological characteristics of the cretaceous water intakes in north-eastern Donbass


  • І. В. Удалов V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • А. В. Кононенко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine



technogenic factors, natural factors, underground water, water intake, mine water drainage, groundwater mode, coal mines


The article deals with the impact of coal mines closure on the mode and conditions of the underground drinking water formation on the example of Cretaceous water intakes in north-eastern Donbass. Some facts related to the given problem are analyzed. It is said that both natural and technogenic factors influence on the mode of underground drinking water. The information about main natural and technogenic factors is presented. Particular attention is paid to the characteristic influence of the technogenic factors, taking into account the natural ones as well. It is emphasized that the main factors of technogenic influence on the drinking underground water in north-eastern Donbass are: mining and processing industry, mine drainage and operation of underground water intakes. The article focuses on the review of the last two factors. It is said that the technogenic factors are the catalysts of natural processes. The main processes in the rock mass by the influence of "wet" conservation of coal mines are characterized. As an example, we have analysed the ecological and hydrogeological situation on Svitlichanskyi Сretaceous water intake. Water intake is selected as the most significant in terms of the overall impact of natural and technogenic factors, as well as the observed changes. To compare the effects, the impact of technogenic factors on another Cretaceous water intake – Zhytlivskyi is shown.

Author Biographies

І. В. Удалов, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor

А. В. Кононенко, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD student


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