Study of technological implementation of environmentally friendly natural gas adsorbtion drying plants


  • О. Л. Швейкін Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • Є. О. Летюк Ltd "Guarantee", Ukraine
  • І. А. Пуханов Ltd "Guarantee", Ukraine
  • О. В. Хвостова Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • В. М. Ткаченко Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases, Ukraine



adsorption unit, technology system, regeneration gas, dynamic capacity adsorbent, environmental performance


A significant number of the gas and gas-condensate deposits in Ukraine are at their final stages of operation, where adsorption method of natural gas preparation in terms of dew point temperature moisture is the most appropriate. Application of this method does not require significant capital and operating investments, it can be used at low values of working pressure; at the same time it makes it possible to significantly decrease dew point temperature with negligible loss of pressure in technological lines of gas preparation. It should also be noted that this method ensures high environmental indicators that are being achieved while using adsorption technology since this type of drainage is a wasteless and environmentally friendly process that eliminates pollution of the environment.

The article studies benefits of natural gas absorbtion method application. Technical modes are analysed and the results of experimental studies on technological schemes optimization of plants adsorption for high quality natural gas preparation are given. To optimize a technological scheme of the typical plant for natural gas drying, the technological modes of operation have been analysed, calculations for gas supply for three options of gas fuelling regeneration to the main drainage line have been performed, and experimental studies that have confirmed the feasibility of the proposed method of natural gas drying have been conducted. The proposed optimal way to apply the design of technological scheme will ensure the required quality of natural gas dehydration throughout the project cycle of adsorption, minimal moisture load on the adsorbent, and prolong its service period as well as assure high environmental performance during this process.

Author Biographies

О. Л. Швейкін, Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases

PhD (Technics), Leading Researcher

Є. О. Летюк, Ltd "Guarantee"


І. А. Пуханов, Ltd "Guarantee"


О. В. Хвостова, Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases

Senior Researcher

В. М. Ткаченко, Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases

Head of sector


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