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Author Guidelines

The editorial office of the "Geophysical Journal" accepts articles and scientific reports in Ukrainian or English, all materials are published free of charge. Articles are submitted exclusively through the Geophysical Journal website

To publish an article the author must have the status of a registered user on the Geophysical Journal website. You can register at the link:

Submission of an article to a journal means that it is original, has not been published before and has not been submitted to other journals. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the presented facts, quotations, bibliographic references, spelling of geographical names, names.

We draw the authors' attention to the fact that if they reproduce previously published graphic or other materials protected by copyright in the article, it is not enough to provide a bibliographic reference to the source of the reproduced materials. Authors are obliged to obtain written permission from the copyright holder of previously published (printed or electronic) materials for their reproduction in the authors' article.

Articles submitted to the journal must contain at least 85% of the original text. All submissions are checked for plagiarism, if detected, the article will not be published. Authors who are found to have plagiarized again will never be able to publish in the Geophysical Journal again.

The Journal allows the publication of a work that has a preprint (an earlier version of the article posted on the Internet) that has not been reviewed in other scientific journals. The procedure for reviewing an article that has a preprint does not differ from the standard acceptance of an article for publication. But the author is obliged to inform the editorial office about the presence of a preprint and to give a link to it in the text of the article.

General requirements

  • UDC
  • article title in Ukrainian and English
  • abstract (in Ukrainian and English) at least 1800 symbols, including keywords
  • key words
  • information about the authors in Ukrainian and English
    • full name of the authors
    • affiliation
    • e-mail of the authors
    • principal contact for editorial correspondence (phone number, e-mail)


The text should be typed in the Microsoft Word editor on A4 sheets in one and a half intervals, using Times New Roman font size 14 pt. Fields on all sides - 2.5 cm, alignment - in width. At the beginning of each paragraph, an indent of 1.25 cm is made. Word wrapping is not allowed. The pages are numbered in the lower right corner. Figures, tables, references, captions and summaries in Ukrainian and English, key words should be given on separate pages; formulas must be typed necessarily in the Equation or MachType application. Only SI units can be used in articles.


Figures are made in vector graphics editors and are presented in the formats CorelDRAW (.cdr) 13th version, Excel, Surfer and other. Raster graphics (photographs, scanned materials) submitted in TIFF or JPEG format (JPEG format must be at a maximum or high quality). Resolution of raster graphics should be at least 600 dpi for grey-scale drawings and at least 300 dpi for photographs. The size of one figure should not exceed 5 MB. Excess of this amount is possible with the approval of the editorial staff. The captions to the figure are made in a separate file in Microsoft Word format. Figures inserted in Word are not accepted. In addition, each figure cannot exceed the size of the journal page (160×230 mm).

The journal publishes grey-scale and colour illustrations.


The list of literature is compiled in alphabetical order (first in Ukrainian, then in foreign languages) without numbers. In the list of literature for each literary source must indicate all authors. when referring to the literary source In the text you need to write in square brackets the author's name and a comma - year of publication (if the two authors, then indicate both if three or more - the first, and others). All works that are referenced in square brackets should be listed in the literature list. Conversely, the entire literature should be referenced in square brackets in the text of the article.

The list of sources should be current and contain at least 10 works not older than 10 years, self-citation should not exceed 30%.

References should be given according to the international standard APA Style (American Psychological Association). It is necessary to add a DOI (digital object identifier) if it is assigned to the cited source. The author is obliged to check the entire list of references for the presence of a DOI, which can be done, for example, at the link:

The article submission

The author must complete 5 steps in the process of an article submission. At each step, you need to carefully fill out the forms or select options from the list. Forms marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

At the first step, the submission language (Ukrainian/English) is selected. Foreign authors should choose to submit in English. In this case, only English forms can be filled out. The Ukrainian-speaking editor will fill out the submission forms in Ukrainian for foreign authors later.

It is better for Ukrainian authors to read the Ukrainian version of the site, which contains detailed instructions for filling out submission forms in two languages.

After submission, the article undergoes a double-blind review. Authors and reviewers communicate through the assigned editor by correspondence.


If the article is approved by the reviewers, the editorial office prepares the galleys. The galleys are sent to the author for checking and correcting errors. The author must not make significant changes. It is recommended to use e-mail and report corrections within the first three days after receiving the galleys.

Articles not drawn up according to the specified rules will not be accepted for consideration.


Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses that users enter the site of this journal will be used exclusively to internal technical problems of this magazine; they will not be extended and transferred to third parties.