
  • Elena Zalevskaya



graphic design, fine arts, the aesthetic impact, communicative, artistic, semiotics, visual, graphics, systematization, communication tools, design features, research, synthesis of arts, art and design culture, visual form artistic modeling (design), visualization of information, work in graphic des


Graphic design is one of the leading places in the modern world science and technology and information technology. Graphic Design Tools are posters, books, labels, commercial products, newspapers, billboards, posters, etc. throughout the surrounding people. The author talks about that in terms of graphic design. Today it has become a determining factor in shaping the visual communication with society. Also, the authors reviewed the scientific literature, numerous studies the concept of "Graphic Design" and its features. The features of the visual language of graphic design as a mean of artistic and communicative system, investigated the specific design as a formative factor in the modern system of synthesis of arts and design features of Ukraine in the global context of art and design culture. We study the relationship of visual form and function in the artistic design of the structure of the city and features infographic as means of visual communication.

The author notes the relevance of the study graphic design as means of artistic and communicative system, determined by the need of finding ways to create graphics that would combines the artistry, aesthetics and meet the conditions of communication.

The study aims to identify artistic and communicative features of graphic design. In order to study the author considered the term "graphic design". The concept consists of two components, "schedule" and "design" that define his artistic and communicative orientation.

The author characterized art graphic design art and design as a creative activity to create graphic objects or products must meet the communicative purpose. This definition corresponds to the understanding of the author of graphic design as art and communication systems.

Modern design is known for its communicative orientation, and its main task – visualization of information. Graphic design is the most dynamic means of visual arts, designed for mass communication.

Graphic design as an art realizes aesthetic and communicative function. As the object of aesthetic content, graphic design work must meet sensitive, emotional and artistic needs of the audience. In this regard, graphic design is closely associated with the categories of artistic taste and aesthetics. As a communicative tool of graphic design work aimed at achieving a particular purpose communication. In modern conditions of world powers, which are characterized by rapid formation of economic, political and social relations, this goal includes commercial, propaganda, social and other propaganda or influence on the minds of the audience.

By law reveals that being a work of art, the object contains graphic design created image, which is characterized by subjective aspect of the worldview of the author. That is, by design work in creating a graphic object refers to the use of artistic means, colors, size and shape models, and together songs that fit his style and mentality. This style reflects the artistic preferences of the designer. However, the designer called artistic values achieved artistic and aesthetic goals of the finished product, so the main task of the designer to find ways to solve these problems, which would enable them to create a graphic that probudzhuvatyme association nashtovhuvatyme viewer to think so. Graphic design is closely correlated with the fine arts, borrowing its genres and specific features.

The process of graphic design is perceived as creating a holistic artistic and aesthetic object by means of technical modeling, which requires the designer technical knowledge and artistic taste. Any graphic – a reflection of the author's worldview reception. Aesthetization artistic message creates a visual field of the composition of the emotional and psychological content. Artistic features graphic design revealed through the prism of the auther’s self-actualization. Creative self-expression is a component of artistic activity that brings art to graphic design art.

In the simulation graphics are created visual system of signs, text, songs that are perceived as coherent visual object. In the specific communication graphic design communication design feature points on such as agility and variability. Graphic design varies according to the needs of society, so it does not exist as a single subject, but as a multiplicity of variations, one dynamic object or to create new graphics products in response to the needs of society.

Graphic design means transforms information into a visual art modeling semiotic system, are visual signals, which should have a clear theme and focus, which would exclude the probability of an incorrect interpretation of the author's intention. Quite accurately it is interpreted graphic design as the unique art that combines graphic and design (project) activities. As means of artistic communication, creating graphics involve the creation of knowledge ownership composition, color etc. In addition, as an art object design must have an aesthetic value.

The inside of the creation of graphics as means of artistic and communicative system is understanding the visual language as a semiotic system. An important form of visualization are the icons and symbols associated with well-known society of the past and present, prochytuvanymy citations and cultural background, as any character can have many interpretations. The author argues that as artistic and communicative graphic design system defined cultural features. The same sign graphics may not be unreasonable in the culture for which it is alien.

Art and communication features disclosed in graphic design and aesthetic landmark impact on the viewer. An important factor in achieving this goal is to create a graphic expression object. It is possible using artistic means of design, such as contrast, color accentuation, composite solutions, styling and others. Graphics imagery allows the author to create an artistic metaphor means of sign language.

The author notes that in the era of information and technologizing Society, graphic design combines the visual language of information transmission in conjunction with the sensual conviction. Graphic design as an art object associated with fine work, the task of which create intense emotional object that will have an impact on the consciousness of the viewer; as a means of communication graphic must clearly, consistently and unambiguously communicative message transfer through the use of visual signs.

As means of communication, which is characterized semiotic system of signs, graphic design they continually transformed, creating graphics as determined by the requirements of social life. Speaking carrier of visual information, a graphic must meet the requirements of modern society way of thinking, and the images, which is served by the author, and should easily be known audience.

Specificity of graphic design as a means of artistic and communicative system is to use design and design activities for creating graphics, this is different from a purely graphic design and graphic communication-information activities. Prospects for further study graphic design as means of artistic and communicative detection system are based on a combination of art and specific communicative expression in graphic design in the design of commercial advertising.

Author Biography

Elena Zalevskaya

Senior Lecturer Dnipropetrovsk Department of Design and Business Management Faculty Kiev University of Culture


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