
  • Olexandr Yakovlev



cultural studies, synergy, region, cultural continuum of Ukraine, humanitarian strategy, cultural and creative processes, projects of NAKKKiM


The article defined by a synergetic approach to the study of cultural and creative processes of modern Ukraine, showing the path of synergistic socio-cultural development of regions of Ukraine. It analyzed the concept of "historical memory" and its importance in ensuring continuity and identity formation. The mechanism of reproduction of historical memory, which is the basis of humanitarian projects NAKKKiM, used in representations of the cultural history of Ukraine. As a result of the research concerns the cultural synergy of regional identities in Ukraine, the article shows a hierarchical model of national cultural space. These examples of the synergistic approach to the cultural and creative processes, the inclusion of Ukrainian culture in the global context. It reveals the idea of synergy of Ukrainian culture with the dialectic of regional chronotopes and general laws of occurrence, development, transformation of certain ethno-national communities, regions and local areas and their union in a holistic polilogical cultural continuum of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Olexandr Yakovlev

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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