Participation of the State in Cultural Processes: the USA and Ukraine Experience


  • Victor Shostak



Cultural policy, expert councils, state support, humanitarian space, Ukrainian Cultural Foundation


The purpose of the article is to analyze the main principles and mechanisms of state participation in the regulation of the USA cultural policy. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the National Fund of Arts and Humanities. The first stages of the similar structures formation in Ukraine are described. The methodology of research lies in the application of analytical, axiological and cultural-comparative methods in studying the vital understanding of state participation of the country in cultural processes, the forms, and motivation for its implementation. The scientific novelty of the work consists in substantiation of the useful models of involving USA state institutions in regulating the functioning of the socio-cultural sphere and identifying possible prospects for the activities of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. Conclusions. In the modern world, culture is the primary factor of modernization transformation and re-form of the country. Spiritual values become a dominant factor in the internal stability and international prestige of the state. The Ukrainian government outlined the ambitious goals of the dynamic development of the national cultural space and the integration of Ukraine into the modern civilized world. However, positive changes are impossible without the participation of civil society.

Author Biography

Victor Shostak

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Cultural Science and Choreographic Arts Department, Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University


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