The role of international tourism in the formation of intercultural competence


  • Serhii Krasovskyi



International tourism, tourist, culture, intercultural competence, communication


The purpose of the article is to analyze the role of international tourism in the formation of intercultural competence. The methodology of the research is based on an interdisciplinary combination of cultural, communicative, psychological and pedagogical approaches. Scientific novelty lies in the first attempt in Ukrainian cultural studies to justify the leading importance of international tourism for the formation of intercultural competence. Conclusions. During direct contact with another culture, the tourist has the opportunity to better understand the motives, emotions, desires, values, features of mental phenomena, deeds and under. representatives of the country of visit. The actualization of culture and its representatives in different contexts requires from the tourist the ability to apply various knowledge and skills, "connect" new emotions, which together form the basis for the formation of practical experience of communication. The tourist is forced to actively search for various information, attracting for this all resources – verbal and non-verbal, which stimulates his cognitive qualities. So a tourist becomes not a passive observer, but an active researcher who seeks answers to many questions that arise in interpreting and comparing the phenomena of another cultural environment with the values of his culture. All this forms in him the skills necessary for successful interaction and responsible behavior in relations with representatives of different cultures.

Author Biography

Serhii Krasovskyi

assistant to the chair of hotel and restaurant business Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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