Mosaic "The Sacrifices of Abel, Melchizedek and Abraham": the location of the action, the symbolism of the veil


  • Iuliia Matveieiva



Sacrifice, Abel, Melchizedek, Abraham, ciborium, veils, altar, Kingdom of Heaven, Eucharist


Purpose of the Article. To identify the symbolic role of the veil in the scene "The Sacrifices of Abel, Melchizedek and Abraham" as an artistic, symbolic and traditional cultural object. To analyze whether the images of architectural details and fabrics had real prototypes in the church ceremonial of that time, or they were used on mosaics only as decorative objects that have no connection with the rite and the meaning of the image. The methodology of the study includes formal, comparative, historical, iconographic and semiotic methods. The scientific novelty of the work is a new disclosure of the role of architectural and textile objects as images that not only contributed to the stability and decorative character of the composition but also reflected the real historical objects of church life and closely correlated with authoritative Christian texts of that time. They inspired the images embodied in the plot of the mosaic and details of the staff age, such as curtains and a symbolic image of the ciborium. These subjects had a great symbolic meaning. They pointed out: 1) that the plot depicts the Christian throne where the action takes place; 2) the value of the Eucharis-tic Sacrifice as a way of communication with God; 3) the opening in the action of the Kingdom of Heaven through the open curtains; 4) Christ as the Pearl, which is the Kingdom of Heaven himself, through the symbol of the shell, located on the ciborium; 5) the connection of the ciborium with the images of the cave of Christmas and cave of the Tomb. Conclusions. In the scene "The Sacrifices of Abel, Melchizedek, and Abraham," the image of the veils and the ciborium show off the real objects of the church ritual, which give us information about the multifaceted theological comprehension of the plot through using them as symbols associated with many authoritative Christian texts.

Author Biography

Iuliia Matveieiva

Ph.D. Art Critics, Associate professor, National University of Urban Economy named after O. M. Beketov, Kharkiv


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