International experience of state image creation and Ukrainian perspectives


  • Valentyna Dyachuk



image, image creation, state, national culture, information policy


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the article is to study the international experience of the development of state positive image and the ways to increase consumer's interest to its products taking into account Ukrainian tendencies. Methodology. The author uses general scientific and culturological methods such as analysis, comparison, historicity etc. It allows the author to cover the main features and the evolution of the experience of image creation in different countries. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research consists in defining the perspective tasks of the cultural- informational activities of Ukraine on the creation of its own image, among which there are extension of cooperation between Ukrainian institutes (organisations) and cultural-information centres of other countries, participation in various international projects, the realization of the common cultural-art programs, the promotion of Ukrainian media in the world networks, the broadcasting in foreign of languages etc. Conclusions. Ukraine has to pursue an active, even in some way aggressive informational policy on its image creation. It will contribute to its integration into the world cultural processes.

The nearest great opportunity to fulfill this task is the Eurovision Song Contest or «Eurovision-2017», where we can show the best achievements of our country and use the positive potential of cross-cultural cooperation.

Author Biography

Valentyna Dyachuk

PhD in Cultural Studies, Associate professor of the art-management and event-technologies chair, the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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