Recreational aspects of animation in tourism


  • Serhii Kylymystyi



recreation, animation in tourism, animatization of tourism, recreational animation, tourist animation, culturalization of tourist activity


Purpose of the article. The research is dedicated to the problems of improving the quality of recreational activity by means of animation in tourism, formation of conceptual apparatus, interpretation of the terms “animation in tourism”, “recreational facilities”, “types and forms of recreational animation”, definition of the essence of mental and physical effects on the human body by means of animation and the ways to optimize the animation activity as recreational process. Methodology of the research includes the use of the following methods: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization, specific search and logical methods, and the reflection of researcher's own experience. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that in the proposed work cultural approach to the recreational aspects of animation in tourism have been introduced, recreational value of animation for tourism field has been grounded and the essence of animation activity in tourism as recreational practice has been defined. Conclusions. Recreational animation is effectively used in medical and health institutions. The diverse types and forms of recreational animation make it possible to increase the variability, and hence the targeting of recreational and animation programs. Considering the discretion of regenerative process recreational animation has become an effective means of physical therapy. Because of positive approach, hedonism, spirituality and creativity of animation activity it can be referred to the psychotherapeutic means of influence on the human body.

Author Biography

Serhii Kylymystyi

Senior lecturer, Ph applicant of Culture Studies Department of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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