The basic principles of the systemic-functional and structural-functional studies of musical performance processes


  • Olga Lysenko



musical performance, process, system, function, structural-functional analysis, thinking, musicalperforming speech


Object. The article presents a new method of systematic functional and structural-functional analysis of musical and performing process. The object is the process of performance of musical works. This process is researched in the discourse of the general principles of functioning of the structural organization of the essential laws of such music phenomena as performing thinking and performing speech. The research methodology is consists in use of the system- functional and structural-functional analysis as a tool for theoretical studies of the functional process of musical performance. This methodological approach allows to study an operational architecture of the functional system of performance of a musical work and its nodal mechanisms that are functional systems of thought and speech. In this article we consider the process of performance of musical works as an integrated dynamic intellectually open-speech system, which is updating the musical text in the functional system of intonation means of expression. The scientific novelty of this work is to develop a holistic concept of cognitive synthesis methods for system-functional and structural-functional analysis of the process of musical work performance. In the framework of the article the revealing of the specifics of updating the note text sound is done by the analysis of the functional system of intonation means of expression by structuring its elements at different levels of thinking-speech system. The conceptual model of synthesis system- functional and structural-functional methods of research process of updating the sound of the musical text differs from the traditional musicological analysis through its practical form. Conclusions. The results of the method of systematic- functional and structural-functional analysis of music and the performing process are relevant to understanding the intrinsic properties of the musical performance. They should be integrated into the practical experience of the creativity of a musician and be deposited in the system of practical performing knowledge as the basis of the creative method of the musical performance process. The practical knowledge of performing process is practical comprehension of the laws of musical text organization. In this regard, the development of a conceptual model of the synthesis of system-functional and structural-functional analysis of the performance process of musical works is not only the relevance of theoretical research. It should also contribute to the improvement of the practice of musicians- performers.

Author Biography

Olga Lysenko

PhD in Arts, associate professor, Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music


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