Interpretation of Latin liturgical tradition genres by the contemporary Odessa composers


  • Olena Statsenko



Odessa school of composers, Catholic liturgical genres, Mass, Requiem, postmodernism


The purpose of the research is to systematize information about the works of Odessa composers of the second half of the XXth - beginning of the XXIst century, who appealed to the Catholic liturgical genres and characterization of masses by A. Tomlionova and O. Poliovy, representative of the demonstration of approaches to the interpretation of genres of Catholic liturgical tradition by contemporary representatives of Odessa school of composition. Methodology of research is the use of historical, cultural and analytical methods. This approach allows to highlight some figures of Odessa school of composition as representatives of Ukrainian cultural space, which is multidenominational and open for experiments concerning the interpretation of genres of Catholic liturgical tradition. The scientific novelty of the research is to highlight the tradition of interpretation of Catholic Church genres by artists of Odessa school of composers from the middle of the twentieth century to nowadays. For the first time ever the paper studies «Solemn Mass» by O. Poliovy and offered a new view on the mass by A. Tomlionova in the context of the musical culture of postmodernism. Conclusions. Considering the creative achievements of the contemporary composers of Odessa school, it is worth noting their constant interest to the genres of Latin liturgical tradition. Special aspects of their interpretation consists in a free approach to the liturgical texts, from which a composer, according to the plan, selects fragments that serve as signs only indicating the tradition, but not subordinate to it as the works were conceived not as liturgical but the concert ones. Such approach is due to the specific postmodern thinking, and peculiarities of the religious map of Ukraine with prevalence of Orthodox denomination, according to which the majority of Ukrainian artists are bystanders of Catholic tradition, but not its representatives. In the works of Ukrainian composers, there is also a tendency to preserve the Orthodox identity while applying to the Catholic liturgical genres through stylistic allusions to the Orthodox music and focus on the prominent world masterpieces of the Catholic music, which reflect this tradition.

Author Biography

Olena Statsenko

post-graduate student of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, drama artist of Chernihiv Shevchenko Regional Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre


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