The article considers the cultural aspects of conceptualizing content of amateur art


  • Svitlana Sadovenko кандидат педагогічних наук, доктор філософії (Ph.D.), старший науковий співробітник, доцент, Ukraine



amateur art, Ukrainian folk art culture, folklore, folklorism, clubs, leisure,


This paper deals with amateur art as a part of Ukrainian folk culture. It is shown that amateur art is an essential companion of Ukrainian society and, being a key element of folklore as an artifact of folklore, is an important part of its spiritual culture.

An amateur art is presented as a process of historical and cultural exploration of reality through art. Special features and major tasks of amateur artistic creativity, as a part of Ukrainian folk culture were revealed including: organizing

diverse forms of entertainment and recreation for the development of public participation and increase individual creativity and creating conditions for full self-realization in the field of entertainment. The special features of amateur art include organization of amateur participants, lack of special training to implement a creative activity, lower than in the professional groups, level of performance skills, free education, etc.

Reveals major task amateur artistic creativity, including: organizing diverse forms of entertainment and recreation for the development of public participation and increase individual creativity and creating conditions for full selfrealization in the field of entertainment.

The special features of amateur art include: organization of amateur participants, lack of special training to implement a creative activity, lower than the occupational groups, the level of performance skills, free education, etc.

The main characteristics of amateur artistic creativity is functioning in free time (leisure), voluntary participation in the amateur team, initiative, activity, self-sacrifice and spiritual motivation of members of amateur groups.

The article shows that one of the ways that can arouse and satisfy human needs in self-expression are amateur arts, which, depending on the socio-historical conditions of society and as versatile and diverse display of recreational activities are constantly evolving. Despite the ambiguity of this phenomenon in modern culture amateur, amateurism

directly or indirectly associated with traditional folk art and folklore.

Paying attention to the social organization of the various incarnations of folklore within the leisure and amateur stage, amateur arts is an essential companion Ukrainian society and is an important part of his spiritual culture. Expression of interest in the study of folklore, traditions, customs, rituals, crafts, traditional costumes – those components of Folk Art, creating original and unique image of culture of Ukraine's regions, they play in the repertoire of creative art groups, costumes, the emergence of non-traditional contemporary folk groups uncatchable orientation, numerous vocal and instrumental ensembles, folk-rock and ethnic groups, theaters, studios, etc., first, security cultural processes of continuous development, and secondly, is the essential source which full professional art. Therefore, the amateur arts as a phenomenon of historical and cultural understanding of reality by means of folk art is a key element of folklore as an artifact of folklore and folk talent that claimed their rights to participate in the general cultural process requires the active support of the society.

The most common types of amateur art include: the author's amateur; performing amateur; club formation. The author determined and characterized stages of amateur art: the first (1917-1932 years); second (1933- 1960 years); third (1960-1991 years); Modern (1991-present).

It is stated that the cultural approach to the study of amateur art allows to find answers to the question "who?" (Carrier, subject of culture, which considers it own – amateurs, lovers, admirers (children, youth, adults, etc.) "What?" (cultural text), "How?" (methods and forms of behavior of a cultural text media – the creator (author) – the user – the guardian – the destroyer: the generation, development, conservation, transformation, oblivion, play, etc.). This analysis further help find answers to the question "why?" and "for what?". The performance of this approach is the ability to get pretty full, systematic picture of the operation of amateur art and its individual areas of social and historical coordinates of our time, which is important not only for fundamental theoretical work, but, above all, for applied research in solving practical issues, particularly in the choice of targets in cultural policy.


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