Three main comparative trainings fortepiano collages and universities


  • Bean Fan



Pedagogical college, university, piano teaching, innovations, three components of teaching, teaching strategy


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to take into account and describe three essential components of learning a piano game. Methodology. The research was carried out using the system and structural-functional analysis by the synthesis of pedagogical traditions and innovations. Scientific novelty. The article highlights three critical components of learning the piano game, in particular: deepening the goals of teaching, improving the teaching sys-tem, in particular, the curriculum, improving the learning of piano accompaniment. Conclusions. With the rapid development of Chinese society, there is a qualitative leap in the growth of demand for piano talents, which opens up a wide range of opportunities and problems for universities and colleges. In this context, the practice of teaching piano in colleges should provide for continuous optimization and improvement of their piano teaching courses to further deepen its learning in higher educational institutions. In turn, piano-class teaching in higher specialized institutions should continue to increase existing skills, also emphasizing the characteristics and value of such training. In this case, teachers in colleges and universities must continue to integrate with different educational institutions, steadily deepen their skills and knowledge to maximize learning efforts to prepare both future professionals and future educators.

Author Biography

Bean Fan

Associate Professor, Vice-rector of the Conservatory, Taishan University


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