Activities of choir collectives in the Vinnitsa region of the first three of the ХХ century


  • Ninel Sizova



The choral culture of Vinnytsia region, choral group, concert activity, choral singing, "Prosvita", Jewish choir, chapel of them. M. D. Leontovich


The purpose of the article. The article explores the specifics of the activity of choir collectives of Vinnytsia region at the beginning of the 20th century. The role of local centres of the Prosvita Society in the process of formation of choral ensembles has been determined. Characterized by the peculiarities of the creative activity of workers' choirs and Jewish choir groups. Separately, the process of reorganization of the Ukrainian and Jewish choir in the Vinnytsia district chapel named after them is considered. M. D. Leontovich, features of her rehearsal work, selection of repertoire and concert activity. The methodology of the study is to apply the cultural approach and the systemic method. Іt is possible to identify features of the development of choral art in the Vinnytsia region as a subsystem of the cultural system of the area and Ukraine in general. The artistic approach also allows analyzing the features of the professionalization of the regional choral art in the context of the general cultural situation of the first third of the twentieth century. Scientific novelty is the publication of materials from archival funds, which allow recreating the specifics of the choral life of Vinnytsia region. Also, new facts about the activities of choir collectives are presented. The creative work of the proletarian choir named after them I. M. Kedrin, a Jewish choir headed by D. M. Pisarevsky is highlighted. Conclusions. A diverse study of the activities of the choir collectives of the Vinnytsia region of the first third of the twentieth century, their orientation towards a particular audience, analysis of their repertoire allows us to realize the specifics of the process of professionalization of the choral art of the region as a component of the original image of the regional musical culture.

Author Biography

Ninel Sizova

Lecturer of the Vocal and Choral Preparation Department, theory and methods of musical education in Vinnitsa pedagogical university named after M. Kozubinsky


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