Updating of the archaic lunisolar cycles in modern Ukrainian ritual calendar


  • Nataliia Shevchenko




lunisolar cycles, holiday, signs, Ukrainian ritual calendar


The purpose of the research is a historical review of the lunisolar calendar of ancient civilizations and specific reflection of astronomical observations of celestial bodies in the Ukrainian folk calendar, which found its expression in the agricultural cycle ceremonies and signs and sayings. Research methodology consists in the use of historical and ethnographic methods, because this approach makes it possible to study how having originated as far back as the archaic era, calendars have become a unique system, which includes a picture of time, people's knowledge, beliefs, rituals and holidays. Scientific novelty. The author proves that an annual cycle of Ukrainian ceremonial celebrations was fully synchronized via lunar - solar phases. Other elements of the agricultural calendar were lightning and rain cycle, harvest holidays cycle, days of remembrance of ancestors and celebrations connected with the watching a behavior of animals and birds. According to the findings of scientists, the advent of calendar, indicates that people have reached a certain level of culture, because its creation requires considerable research and practical knowledge in astronomy, astrology, mathematics, natural science, agronomy and other sciences. Conclusion. Thus, with the help of analysis of calendar systems we can study the evolution of scientific, economic, religious and cultural development of the various ethnic groups as they carry a significant amount of information about their creators. The internal rhythm of the ritual calendar, existed for thousands of years on the territory of modern Ukraine shows that the experience and knowledge gained in the process of work and communication were passed on from generation to generation, creating genetic memory of civilization. However, they have not lost their significance in the modern post-industrial world.

Author Biography

Nataliia Shevchenko

Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor, Department of art management and ivent-technologies of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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