The signs of postmodern in choreography: the second half of xxth and the beginning of xxist century


  • Bogdana Abbiazova



choreography, contemporary choreography, dance, modern, postmodern, culture, art, choreographer


The purpose of the work is to search and to identify the signs of postmodern choreography of the second half of the XXth – early. XXIst century. Research methodology. In the course of work, the scientific research  methods were used in particular such as historical and cultural. Modern scientific and theoretical thinking seeks to penetrate into the essence of the phenomena and processes studied. This is a subject to a holistic approach to the object of study. There is a need to review it in emergence and development process that is in conditions of use of historical approach to its study. The culturological approach, thanks to the variety of understanding of "culture" concept and cognitive abilities of cultural studies, gives the opportunity to explore many natural, social, environmental, economic, educational, informational and other objects and events as cultural phenomena. Scientific novelty lies in the extended analysis of postmodern era (both cultural and choreographic). The comparative analysis of the formation and development of American and European choreography of the given period allows to single out certain features of postmodernism. Conclusions. Thorough understanding of the parallels drawn through the postmodern era shows that starting from the end of the second half of the twentieth century classical and modern dances have been approaching. Thanks to this synthesis, modern dance gets a chance to take the big stage, to win popularity and to get rid of the extremes of dehumanization, absurdity and dilettantism, in some cases acting as a brake and to enrich itself as an academic dance by new means of expression, thereby expanding its artistic capabilities.

Author Biography

Bogdana Abbiazova

postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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