Тrends of the development of accordion performing art of Ukraine


  • Valeryi Marchenko




accordion, accordion art of Ukraine, repertoire and pop music performers


The purpose of the work is to identify and to summarize trends in the development of the accordion performing art in Ukraine through the analysis of the work of national accordionists and bands. The research methodology is the use of system analysis and biographical method. Mentioned above methodological approach allows to research the creative work of leading Ukrainian accordionists and bands, to determine their contribution to the development of accordion music performance, and on this basis to identify trends in the development of the accordion performing art of Ukraine. Scientific novelty of the work is a detailed study of theoretical and practical achievements of the Ukrainian accordion school, analysis of their practical, creative and intellectual expertise, and definition of the role of local musicians and bands in the development of accordion performance. Conclusions. The leading trends of the development of the accordion performing art in Ukraine are the following: presence of professional-academic and pop-jazz directions; the active entry of accordion into chamber and instrumental area of music-making; intensive concert  and touring activities of the Ukrainian accordionists and groups, aimed at popularization of accordion art in Ukraine and in the world; artistic communication of Ukrainian performing musicians with their foreign colleagues; promoting the experience exchange and strong presence of accordion art of Ukraine in European cultural space and genre and stylistic diversity of the repertoire.

Author Biography

Valeryi Marchenko

Associate Professor of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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