Music Festivals in the System of Cultural Life of Modern Italy


  • Olena Ponomarenko



music festival, Ukrainian-Italian cultural ties, professional festivals, amateur festivals, music life of modern Italy


The purpose of this research is to reveal the most important aspects and features of functioning of music festivals in modern Italy and to consider specifics of organising such music projects. The methodology of the research is based on the use of the inductive method, which consists in the study of individual festival trends, which allowed determining the general tendencies of the existence of the festival process in the system of cultural life in modern Italy. Scientific novelty lies in the necessity of the comprehensive study of music festival life of modern Italy as an integral part of Italian national culture The identification of the importance and influence of Italian projects on the state of musical life of our time acquires special attention and will help domestic musicians to learn about the specifics of the organization of music festivals in modern Italy, adopt the experience and use it in practice of the musical life of modern Ukraine. Conclusions. Festivals have become a vital part of the music life system in modern Italy. Festival movement underwent considerable changes at the turn of the century and has been gaining pace, in particular: 1) number of festival events, both professional and amateur is growing; 2) professional level of participants of amateur festivals has improved, affecting their level of skill; 3) professional festivals have grown to the size of large-scale events with their schools, giving masterclasses and implementing creativity projects of young musicians; 4) intercultural and creative ties are developing, not only between 20 regions of Italy (which are divided into 107 provinces), but also in the international context (taking place at international, regional and city levels).

Author Biography

Olena Ponomarenko

PhD in Arts criticism, Associate professor, doctoral student of the department of History of World Music of the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine


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