
  • Petro Dubrivnyi




web design, design, trend, website, style, modern design, Internet resource


The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing features, trends in the development of web design and identify promising areas in its activities. The methodology is based on the use of typological, comparative, structural- functional methods and generalization. It is allowing to cover the indicated discourse in the context of creative searches in the design of Internet resources to identify its essential characteristics. A systematic approach is needed, which al- lows the object to be comprehensively studied at the most diverse but interrelated levels. The scientific novelty of the research is in the conceptual understanding of the existing features of the stylistics of modern web design and the prog- nostic view on its further development. Conclusions. The analysis revealed the prospects for the growth of modern web design, outlined the existing trends and trends in the modernization of graphics techniques. Unification and interactivity will allow to effectively implement the process of transferring an information product to a potential web page visitor.

Author Biography

Petro Dubrivnyi

master student, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design 


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