Reflection of the author's style in the exlibrises of ukrainian artists at the international exhibitions- contests in Brest


  • Yulia Kamenetska



ukrainian bookplate, author's style, etching, linocut, exhibition-competition, ex libris


Purpose of the article. The main purpose of the study of the results of three international exhibitions- competitions of bookplates and small-scale graphics in Brest (Belarus) is the phenomenon of originality of book marks by Ukrainian artists. The methodology. The research methodology consists of applying analytical and comparative methods, as well as using a systematic approach in studying the functioning of cultural values. Due to the analytical method in the study of materials printed in the catalogs for 2009, 2013 and 2015 in Brest, it was found that the Ukrainian graphics won three prizes in a row. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the works of Ukrainian authors, which were presented at competitions in Belarus, were investigated. The methods of work in graphic techniques are  described, and vivid representatives of the art of the Ukrainian exlibris are highlighted. Conclusions. High workmanship in traditional graphic techniques, such as etching, linocut and woodcut is not inferior to the work of artists from many other countries of the world. Each of the masters of the Ukrainian exlibris, over the years of creative activity, has developed its own unique author's style, by which it is possible not only to distinguish the author, but also his national identity. Thanks to the organizers of the Brest exhibition-contests, nearly 300 artists from 46 countries of the world were able to present modern achievements in the ex-libris, share many years of experience and compete for prizes in various nominations.

Author Biography

Yulia Kamenetska

мaster of Graphics, graduate student Department of Theory and History of Art of National Academy of fine arts and architecture


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