Creative phenomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov in the search for a new scientific understanding


  • Liudmyla Lukasheva



culture, dialogue of cultures, cultural essence, personality culture, creative person


Purpose of the work involves a cultural analysis of the methodological foundations of the creative phenome- non of M.M. Sinelnikov in the context of the formation of the cultural space of Ukraine of the late XIX – early XX cen- turies. The methodology of the study is based on the use of basic methods of scientific knowledge: system-analytical – in order to study cultural, art, philosophical literature on the chosen topic; comparative – to determine the similarities and differences in the interpretation of historical phenomena in the light of the topic raised from the standpoint of the past and modern scientific views; generalizations – with the aim of conceptualizing the concept of «the creative phe- nomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov» in the time space of Ukrainian culture from the epoch of modern to postmodern. The scientific novelty of the work consists in addressing the personality of an actor, director, teacher, entrepreneur  M.M. Sinelnikov, forgotten today, but outstanding in his time, whose cultural activities largely influenced the formation and development of the fundamental principles of the national theater culture; in the conceptualization of the cultural heritage of the Creator and the actualization of the cultural and artistic tenets of his work for contemporary art. Find- ings. The article substantiates the need for a cultural research of the creative phenomenon of M.M.Sinelnikov, whose conceptual sphere had a reformatory effect on the formation and development of the cultural and creative expanse of Ukraine in the late 19th – early 20th centuries; rethinking and actualization of his artistic and aesthetic tenets in mod.ern conditions.

Author Biography

Liudmyla Lukasheva

postgraduate Student of National Academy of Managerial Stagg of Culture and Arts


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