Features of Typology of Kyiv’s Modern Periodicals on Art Studies: Main Problems and Development Trends (part 2)


  • Iryna Matolich




periodical, art studies, typology, scientific papers, science of culture, problems of the art science.


The purpose of the article is to study the features of typology and to characterize Kyiv’s modern periodicals on art studies. Methodology. According to the set objectives, the general scientific methods and ways, corresponding to the art and theoretical cultural analyses, are used in the paper. The solution of the raised questions was carried out with the use of the search and bibliographic analysis, providing the study and systematization of the library collections and the systematic ones, which helped to observe the features of the typology of the art periodicals. The scientific novelty is to study and suggest a system of typology for the art periodicals (visual art) on the example of Central Ukraine’s modern editions. Conclusions. The outcome of the paper was to research and make conclusions about the state and thematic content of the art periodicals (visual art) on the example of Central Ukraine’s modern publications. Such collections are the main source of new information on the achievements of the art science, the main way of speeding the absorption of scientific progress. To carry out qualitatively new art researches it is necessary nowadays to form a clear system of typology. We have suggested our more complete system of the typology of Kyiv’s modern art periodicals and characterized them by some typological features, namely by place of publishing and ownership, subject, periodicity, purpose, volume, circulation, etc. The theoretical aspects of the Ukrainian contemporary art studies and the historical periods when art was developing the most, mainly Ukrainian art abroad, are the main problems raised on the pages of these publications. The unknown pages of the Ukrainian art and culture are also highlighted, and the creative personalities who contributed to the promotion of the Ukrainian art culture in the world are presented.


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