Art features of ceramoplastics of entrance groups of residential buildings of the Pіvnіchno-Brovarsky area of the Kyiv city, ceramists N. Fedorova, G. Sharay


  • Alesia Skoromna



Ukraine, XX century, exterior ceramoplastic, tiles, painting, glaze, enamel, ornament, N. Fedorova, G. Sharay.


The purpose of the article. The article analyses the artistic features of the ceramic designs of the individual parts of the entrance of the groups of the multi-stories buildings, in the experimental buildings of the left bank of Kyiv in 1970-1975. For example, the street A. Solovyanenko (former str. О. Boychenko), 4, 6, 16 on the Pіvnіchno-Brovarsky area. Methodology. The complex approach of the researchers on the theme provided a combination of the following scientific methods: analytical – for studying of a condition of research; system – for the study of selected monuments, archival and literary sources; comparative-typological – to describe ceramoplastics and divide it into groups; comparative analysis – to attribute these works and find analogies, determine authorship and dating; art analysis – to highlight the artistic and stylistic features and outline certain stylistic features of the works. Scientific novelty. The author for the first time introduced into scientific circulation a small group of works of exterior architectural ceramics of the Kyiv Experimental Workshop, headed by Nina Fedorova. Conclusions. The decors of the three houses differ in techniques and colors: polychrome painting and monochrome bas-relief. The artistic, stylistic and comparative typological analysis of the ceramic tiles, the archival and literary sources allowed to determine the authorship of artistic works N. Fedorova and A. Sharay. The polychrome paints ceramoplastics used in the decoration of the first two houses are innovative combinations of glazes and prefabricated enamel of N. Fedorova, while the rejection of polyphony color and graphic decorativeness underlined the details. The phyto and ornithomorphic motifs in the compositions were sometimes combined with abstract forms, in particular dots, circles, curves, spirals, etc. Small and large figure compositions were a kind of stylization of Ukrainian Folk Arts, the revival of the traditions of which were the creative credos of the workshops. In addition, the influence of iconography and stylistics of medieval Iranian arts were revealed in some images. The variant monochrome bas-relief ceramoplastics used in the decorations of the third house has not a contoured chiaroscuro modeling of A. Sharay. A modular grid was used in the construction of the ornamental compositions of the groups’ inputs. Curvilinear spiral motifs find analogies in works of art of the Bronze Ages and Sarmatian times, from archaeological excavations in Ukraine; floral ornament – has some borrowings from medieval stone carvings in the architecture of Georgia.


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Образотворче мистецтво, декоративне мистецтво, реставрація