Dance-theater in modern European musical and сhoreographic art


  • Olga Boyko


The goal is to briefly describe the history of creation and activity of dance theaters as a phenomenon of musical and choreographic art in Europe. The methodology of the research is based on historical, art criticism and cultural studies using general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, descriptive, and others. The scientific novelty of the study. For the first time in Ukrainian art history, the history of the creation and the current state of the activity of dance theaters in Europe is analyzed. Socio-political and socio-cultural factors that provoked a combination of dance and theatrical means of artistic expressiveness are determined. Conclusions. Dance theaters for today is the most common form of presentation of choreographic art in Europe. The main reason for their occurrence, on the one hand, was the desire of the choreographers to popularize the dance with the help of new forms that would make it possible to see in it a means of serious intellectual communication, and on the other – socio-cultural and political conditions, the change of which actually led to a radical transformation of the concept of dance and a new understanding of its significance in society.

