Trademark development: from stamp, mark, packaging – to certification




The purpose of the article is to perform an art history analysis to show the impact of the development of brands, trademarks, packaging, and product quality control on certification development. The research methodology consists of the application of a specific historical method to analyze the impact of the development of trademark design and the popularization of certification actions, as well as the use of a comparative analysis method and a historical and cultural approach. This will help to identify the main trends in the development of a trademark, packaging for the establishment of certification in a global context. The scientific novelty lies in an attempt to comprehend and identify the main trends in the development of a trademark and packaging, which influenced the control of product quality and the establishment of certification, which is due to historical, social, cultural processes. Conclusions. The article shows the idea of certification and its general meaning since ancient times. The analysis of literary sources is carried out, which confirms the need for branding of products by the manufacturer to obtain high quality, the development of the design of an aesthetic and functional sign, packaging, and the formation of a legislative basis for certification. Analysis of brands, trademarks, the packaging indicates the interdependence of the ancient cultural heritage and the development of these areas since the twentieth century, which influenced the improvement of certification and should affect the quality of products and design in Ukraine.

Key words: brand, trademark, packaging, certification, design.




