The image of the griffin in Galician medieval art
Galich, griffin, Byzantium, creature, ceramics, lion, image, eagle, tile, symbol, eastAbstract
Purpose of Article. The study aims to evaluate the problem of the origin of the artistic image of the griffin in the art of ancient Galich, the discovery of its semantic and iconographic essence. The methodology of the research applies art-study, analytical, and comparative research methods, which allowed, based on the analysis of samples of ancient decorative art - tiles and other elements of decoration, to find out the origin and semantics of the iconographic and heraldic content of the image of the griffin on the products of ancient masters, found and the territory of the former Galitsky Principality. The scientific novelty of the study is to find out the iconographic, heraldic and sacred content of the artistic image of the griffin in the art of ancient Galich. Conclusions. As a result of the research, the influence of Galician decorative art on the formation of a figurative- stylistic system in the architecture of North-Eastern Russia was revealed. It is proved that the image of griffin was one of the most beloved stories of medieval applied art, which embodied the millennial artistic contacts of the East and the West. The composition of a central image is ideally inscribed in the Galician relief slabs in double circles in squares and exquisite elements of plant ornament in the corners of the products. Including the image of the griffin as an essential element to the interior of the Assumption Cathedral, the artists reached not only the harmony of beauty and balance, but the expressive and heraldic posture of a fantastic beast showed the power of the Galician principality in the middle of the XII century.
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