J. Rodrigo’s guitar concert «Aranjuez» as a phenomenon of Spanish neoclassicism


  • Tymur Ivannikov Doctoral student of the Department of the Theory and History of Musical Performance, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine




Spanish Neoclassicism, phenomenological approach, guitar music of J. Rodri­go, art of flamenco


Purpose of Research - is to study the phenomenon of Spanish Neoclassicism in the guitar music of Joaquin Rodrigo on the example of the concert «Aranjuez». Methodology. The research methodol­ogy is based on using of phenomenological, comparative, structural-functional methods that pro­vide a multifaceted, holistic perception of the musical phenomenon. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the phenomenological approach to the analysis of the most fa­mous guitar work by J. Rodrigo, which involves the use of specific analytical procedures - phenom­enological description, ideation, targeting. Conclusions. The aesthetic connections with Neoclassical searches in Spanish music of the twentieth century are seen in a solidfusion of ancient traditions of academic music and genre archetypes of the art of flamenco (boulerias, saeta, cante chondo). The detailed analysis of the musical text, which leads to the deep, fundamental founda­tions of the Spanish melos, as well as the traditions of guitar playing, produce the disclosure of the semantic horizons of the musical work for its more subtle artistic performing interpretation.

Author Biography

Tymur Ivannikov, Doctoral student of the Department of the Theory and History of Musical Performance, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

PhD in Arts


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