
  • Natalia Chabanenko



bandura, concert performance, instrumental works, repertoire, genre


Purpose of the article is to consider the upgrade process bandura repertoire of instrumental works as a critical factor in the formation and evolution of concert performance. The methodology is to apply the general principle of objectivity of scientific, historical, logical, and analytical methods in the study of cultural factors that conditioned the introduction of bandura repertoire of classical instrumental works that contributed to the development of concert performance towards connection of bandura with the academic environment. The scientific novelty lies in discovering musical features of text-selection for bandura repertoire that helped to shape the classical repertoire of the bandura, increasing thereby the level of instrument performance skills in the context of a definite art form as a complete artistic and aesthetic phenomenon of music. Conclusions. The result of the study summarized that due to the renovation of the tool becomes possible to expand the genre range (sonatas, suites, fantasy, Rondo, concert plays, concerts), technical means performance, combining national folk motifs with academic traditions. The role of artists-artists in the development of concert bandura performance is emphasized. The main groups of works of each genre for bandura performance in combination with other instruments are described.

Author Biography

Natalia Chabanenko

Concertmaster, Department of Folklore, Bandura, and Instrumental Art, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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