Some tendencies of Ukrainian theatrical art of the beginning of the XXI century


  • Irina Zaitseva



new socio-cultural reality, aesthetic features of contemporary Ukrainian theater, trends of domestic theatrical art


Purpose of the Article is to identify and analyze the typical trends of contemporary theatrical art in the context of a new socio-cultural reality. Methodology consists in the application of analytical, functional, comparative, art-study, systemic methods of studying the state of contemporary Ukrainian theatrical art in the manifestations of its characteristic tendencies of post modern modernity. Scientific novelty of the research is in affirming that the new socio-cultural reality affects the formation of typical trends in the Ukrainian theatrical art, which to a certain extent define the notion of "modern theater.” Conclusions. The tendencies of the Ukrainian theatrical process of today are determined by: the professional readiness of domestic artists to participate in the international exchange of creative personnel, co-production between domestic theaters and theatrical groups from different countries; the improvement of the process of mastering the methods of acting, the aesthetics of various stage schools (with this purpose and expanding the study of foreign languages) in the preparation of students actors, enriching the process of the preparing future directors, taking into account the dissemination and accessibility of information about world theater schools, directorial techniques, aesthetic searches of leading artists; active participation in international festivals, conferences, symposiums; education and development of a new audience of theater - the generation of aesthetics of clips and 3D shows; the need for legislative state support for the development of the domestic search, alternative, experimental theatrical movement; the further popularization of contemporary Ukrainian drama. The realization of these directions will facilitate the entry of Ukrainian theatrical art into the European cultural space.

Author Biography

Irina Zaitseva

PhD of Pedagogic, docent, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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