
  • Nadiya Ostapchuk



bayan-accordion art, modern bayan, concert performance, instrumental works, repertoire, neo-folklore


The purpose of the article is to consider the place and role of accordion-accordion art in the contemporary musical space of Ukraine. The methodology consists in applying the general scientific principle of objectivity, historical-logical, analytical and cultural methods in the study of modern tendencies of perfection and development of performing arts in accordion-accordion art. The scientific novelty of the work is to reveal the textual and musical features in changing the repertoire for accordion and accordion, which contributed to the formation of new upgraded tendencies in the performing arts, thus raising the level of expressive means, the performing skill of the instrument in general as a holistic artistic and aesthetic phenomenon of musical culture. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was concluded that along with the existence of traditional musical phenomena, which entirely carry out the cultural-protective function, new means of musical expression and expressive forms of expression focusing on folklore are becoming relevant. The coexistence of conservative and modernist tendencies leads to the emergence of new trends in art, which begin to influence the development of music of the XXI century.

Author Biography

Nadiya Ostapchuk

Concertmaster, Department of Folklore, Bandura, and Instrumental art Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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