Gender image of the piano


  • Fan Lu



piano, the image of the instrument, gender image of piano, gender stereotype, home music making


Purpose of Article. The article reveals the gender image of the piano. The gender image of the piano is understood as a reconstruction of an instrument in the human mind, under which clear mental associations with the distinction of people by gender are evolved. Methodology. The research methodology lies in using culturological and comparative methods of cognition. The interdisciplinary method helps to reveal the importance of the gender image of the piano through its reflection in related art and culture areas. Scientific Novelty. In the article, for the first time in the Ukrainian musicology, the gender image of the piano is analyzed, and its role in the history of instrument development is determined. Conclusions. Piano, like other musical instruments, generates in the cultural consciousness of society images associated with the distinction of people by gender, with social and psychological behavior accepted as expressions of femininity or masculinity. Unlike many other musical instruments, the gender image of the piano is ambivalent. Piano as a solo concert instrument is associated more with masculinity, piano as an instrument of home music making - with femininity. In its last quality, the gender image of the instrument played a significant role in its development and was reflected in many areas of modern art and culture.

Author Biography

Fan Lu

postgraduate of P. Tchaykovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine


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