Creative activity of Nikolay Samokish in the context of cultural and artistic life of Poltava and Kharkov region of the late XIX - early XX centuries


  • Olga Petrenko



national style, national romanticism, modern, architectural style, ethnography, mural painting, ornament


The purpose of article is to understand the creative activity of Mykola Samokish in the light of socio-cultural interactions of the period of the national Ukrainian renaissance, determination of the artist's personal contribution to the development of the national style in art, as an outstanding phenomenon of Ukrainian artistic culture at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is the general scientific principles on which the modern analysis of cultural-artistic heritage is based. Applied theoretical, cultural studies, analytical, art studies, comparative methods for achieving the stated purpose of the study. Scientific novelty. The phenomenon of M. Samokish's work in the discourse of Ukrainian "national romanticism” as a conceptual and cultural-artistic direction of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was explored in this article for the first time with taking into account regional specifics. Conclusions. The participation of N. Samokish in decorating sign architectural designs for Ukrainian art culture is evidenced by his contribution to the development of the national architectural style. The ethnographic interest of the artist finds expression in the study and popularization of the national cultural heritage by means of visual arts, in particular, he manifests himself as a connoisseur of Ukrainian ornament, presenting its specificity and stylistic interpretations in the decoration of the building of the Poltava provincial zemstvo, at them. I. Boyko in Kharkov, on the pages of the album "Motifs of Ukrainian Ornament." All this allows us to speak of Nikolai Samokish's significant contribution to the development of the national style and to position him as an adept at the idea of "national romanticism" in art.

Author Biography

Olga Petrenko

Lecturer, Department of Fine Art, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University


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