Technological features of screen painting concerning a creation of a single-frame movie


  • Alexandr Pryadko
  • Yuri Garmash



frame, single-framed film, filming, editing, director of photography, camera


Purpose of Article. The study of evolutionary processes of nucleation and the formation of a theoretical foundation, which is based on the creative and technological part of filming the singleframed film. Methodology. Research methodology is based on the general scientific principles of objectivity, structural-functional, and analytical methods in the analysis of theoretical works and figurative art direction of single framed series of films. The scientific novelty of the research is shaping the basic provisions of creative and technological bases of single-framed films creation, the analysis features of construction of such films’ storyline, Conclusions. The single-framed film gives the viewer a feeling of realism developments in screen work, eliminating the copyright manipulation. Shooting a single-frame movie is the largely unpredictable process because it includes a variety of creative factors, hardware involved in the shooting and requires a thorough and sophisticated knowledge of the technology of filmmaking.

Author Biographies

Alexandr Pryadko

PhD (Eng.), associate professor, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts;

Yuri Garmash

Director of Photography, senior lecturer, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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