
  • Tetiana Porkhun



current text, hippy, fetish, costume, associations


The purpose of the article is to study the specific meaning of perception of a costume composition by using such a notion as stylish text.The methodology of the research consists in the application of analytical, culturological and semiotic methods in the study of the semantic features of the hippy style. The author makes an effort to emphasize the eclectic, multicultural nature of the subculture is.The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the characteristic feature of the contemporary texts in clothes of the subculture is the specific range of associations. The research reveals that the last ones determined by the emotional memories of historical events that had extra meaning.Conclusions. This current text is a way of symbolic communication, thus objectifying the reality and expanding the forms of social interaction in the subculture. Thus, elements of clothes lost its daily sense and became an attractive fetish which naturally involved in the fashionable text.

Author Biography

Tetiana Porkhun

Postgraduate student, Culture Studies Department, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


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