
  • Serhii Rudenko




Avant-garde museology, Arseny Zhilyaev, Nikolai Fyodorov, metaphysics, the social and cultural essence of a museum, philosophy of museum, scientific relevance


Purpose of the article. To find out the scientific relevancy of «avant-garde museology» (author of definition – Arseny Zhilyaev), bearing in mind, that part of this concept – Fyodorov's philosophy of museum – is metaphysic and mystic. Methodology. Criticism of Karl Popper. Scientific novelty. Concept «avant-garde museology» implemented to the scientific circulation of museology. Criticism of metaphysic of Fyodorov's philosophy of museum acquiring further development. Thus, found out, that Fyodorov's philosophy of museum is completely incongruity wit science. Conclusions. Fyodorov's philosophy of museum contains some interesting insights about museum issues. But it cannot be used in the scientific interpretation of the notion «avant-garde museology». Thus, for further investigations of scientific relevancy of «avant-garde museology» by Arseny Zhilyaev, research might be addressed to other parts of this notion – avant-garde and Marxism. Results of the study on Fyodorov's philosophy of museum, presented in this article, can be used for clarification does this metaphysic relevance to notions of avant-garde and materialistic museum, as Arseny Zhilyaev thinks.

Author Biography

Serhii Rudenko

Phd in Cultural Studies, Doctor’s degree applicant, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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