
  • Victoria Strelchuk
  • Irina Ivashchenko



nationality, festive culture, festive ceremonial culture, massive, spectacular holiday, traditionally the folk form of celebration


The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical basis for understanding the concept of "nationality" in festive culture, to explore the way of formation and development of the concept under study in Ukrainian culture. The methodology of work is based on the historical and systematic structural principles of the research. The purpose and tasks of the publication led to the use of such research methods: analysis and synthesis, which enabled to identify and analyze the main theoretical positions and concepts before defining the concept of "nationality" in festive culture. The system-structural method has allowed revealing the key concepts of symbiosis of the nationality in festive culture. Scientific novelty consists in the study of the theoretical understanding of the concept of "nationality" in the festive culture of Ukraine. Conclusions. The holiday is a sensitive indicator of cultural change, "when it comes to higher values that are fundamental to culture. New cultural elements are being established on holiday. " In the critical moments of history, the creative thinking of statesmen, artists, and scientists are activated, responding to the social challenge - to create new holidays that adequately reflect the characteristic features of a new stage in the life of the people and the state. A considerable number of ethnographers have been returned to scientific circulation, which is intensely studied in the festive ritual of the calendar cycle, and various aspects of the traditional holiday - mythological, ritual, ethical, aesthetic, and others. Their ethnographic works combine the research effort to revive the national traditions of celebration, to present Ukrainian holidays of calendar and family cycles in the integrity, diversity of regional features, to free themselves from ideological layers, to enrich the facts that have long been inaccessible not only to the general public but also to scientists. To understand the essence of the nationality in the holy must consider the history of its development, to identify cultural features, functioning in particular historical circumstances. Holiday as a complex phenomenon is characterized by a contradictory internal, dual nature and has the functionality to maximally contribute to the preservation of stability, the invariability of social life.

Author Biographies

Victoria Strelchuk

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Stage Art, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Irina Ivashchenko

Associate Professor, Department of Directing and Acting, Dean of the Faculty of Directing and Show Business, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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