The creative activity of the woman vocal ensemble «Perlyna» of Vinnytsia college of culture and arts named after M. D. Leontovych: art criticism discourse


  • Tetyana Sidletska PhD in Arts, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and Humanitarian studies, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine



the vocal ensemble «Perlyna», vocal art, creative activity, repertoire, performers


Purpose of Research. The purposes of the article are to determine the features of creative activity and the generalization of artistic achievements of woman vocal ensemble «Perlyna» of Vinnytsia College of Culture and Arts named after M. D. Leontovych. Methodology. The methodol­ogy is based on the activity approach. The methodological approach allows to analyse the creative principles of the woman vocal ensemble «Perlyna», to find out the contribution of the collective to the development of vocal art in Vinnytsia region and in Ukraine. It also gives an opportunity to characterize the features of creative activity of the mentioned ensemble. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of work consists in the detailed study of the theoretical and practical heritage of the Ukrainian vocal ensembles, the analysis of their artistic experience and the determination of the role of the local collectives in the development of vocal art. Conclusions. The author underlines the important role of creative activity of the ensemble «Perlyna» of Vinnytsia College of Culture and Arts named after M. D. Leontovych for the development and popularization of vocal art on Vinnytsia region and in Ukraine. The peculiarities of the creative activity of the woman vocal en­semble «Perlyna» are active musical education and concerto activity, active popularization of the Ukrainian song, genre-stylish variety of repertoire, high-class professional workmanship of per­formers.


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